Introduction to IT
Rs.16,000/ 4 Months
Introduction to Information Technology
- Introduction to Computer /IT
- Introduction to Software/ Hardware / Network
- Using MS Windows (Operating System)
- Computer Typing
- Using MS Word
- Using MS Excel
- Using MS PowerPoint
- Basics of Internet /Browsing / Email

MS OFFICE (Basics)
Rs.8,000/ 2 Months
Microsoft Office Basics
- Basic of Formatting
- Createing Letters / Reports
- Using Tables / Charts
- Using Illustrations
- Creating Worksheets
- Basics of Calculation
- Using Excel Functions
- Creating Slides
- Styling Slides
- Animation in PowerPoint

MS OFFICE (Advance)
Rs.10,000/ 2 Months
Microsoft Office Advance *
- Advance Formating
- Mail Merge / Track Changes
- Conditional Formating
- Advanced Excel Functions
- Working with Multiple Sheets
- Creating Dashboard
- Using Macro
- Introduction to VBA
- Advance Slideshow
- Office Customization

Computerized Accounting (QuickBooks)
Rs.10,000/ 2 Months
Computerized Accounting (QuickBooks)
- Introduction of QuickBooks
- Setting up a company and Chart of Accounts
- Manage Bank Accounts & Sales tax
- Working with Vendors & Customers
- Day to Day Operations (Invoices & Bills)
- Handling Special Cases
- Financial Reports
- Customizing QuickBooks

Introduction to Web Designing
Rs.15,000/ 3 Months
Including Graphics, Web & Programming
- Introduction to Graphics Designing
- Using Adobe Photoshop & Tools
- Picture Editing & Mock up Designing
- Introduction to Computer Programming
- Learning Computer Programing Language (C#)
- Creating Logic & Implementing Program Flow
- Introduction to Webdesigning
- Learning HTML / CSS / Javascript
- Creating Interactive & Responsive Website.

Website Designing
Rs.10,000 For 2 Months
Getting Started with Web Designing
- Introduction to HTML & HTML5
- How to use HTML Editors
- Designing Layout
- Introduction to CSS & CSS3
- Type of CSS (Inline, Internal & External)
- Formatting UI for the web pages
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Designing Template using bootstrap
- Introduction to JavaScript & jQuery
- Using jQuery Libraries

C# Programming
Rs.10,000 For 2 Months
Getting Started with C# with Object Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to C# and .Net Framework
- Syntax of C#
- Data Structure
- Creating Logic & Implementing Program Flow
- Object oriented programming
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction

SQL & Database
Rs.10,000 For 2 Months
Learn SQL & Database
- Introduction to SQL / RDBMS
- Data Types
- Tables / Entity
- SQL Queries (DDL/DML)
- Relationships
- Database Normalization
- Procedure
- Functions

Rs.10,000 For 2 Months
Web Application Development Using ASP.NET MVC
- Introduction to ASP.NET
- Creating MVC Application
- Controller
- Views
- Models
- Model Binding & Validation
- Layouts
- Routing Engine
- Web API

Rs.10,000 For 2 Months
Create World Class Website with Wordpress CMS
- Introduction to Wordpress
- Installation of Wordpress
- Intro to pages and posts
- Menus (Navigation Bar)
- Media (images, audio, video)
- Logo and footer & Flat design icons
- Installing and Customizing a theme
- Intro to plugins & widgets
- Using shortcode?
- Permalinks
- SEO plugin integration
- Setting up Google Analytics
- Setting up an online store with WooCommerce

Graphics Designing
Rs.10,000 For 2 Months
Graphics Designing for Print Media, Website & Social Media
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator