TSA 2020

The year 2018 saw Tabani’s School of Accountancy (TSA) mark an important milestone as it celebrated the 20th anniversary of its founding. This moment provided all at TSA the opportunity to reflect on our continued evolution as a great and influential institution in our region, the nation and beyond.

This statement is a summary of our history and the challenges we face in the future. It weighs our performance and sets directions for at least the next decade. It reinforces putting students and innovative teaching practices at the center of what we do. It reflects our contemporary emergence as a powerful and respected professional education institution.

Responses to the 2020 wider consultation within the TSA community confirmed a number of key principles that should underpin future directions. First and foremost, we must build on our momentum – do what we do better and accentuate our distinguishing characteristics. We must continue to improve our research performance, build on our student-centred practices and enhance the contribution that teaching and research makes to the community. We must eschew practices and investments that are inconsistent with this.

Several core principles were agreed upon through the TSA 2020 strategy:

  • Placing students at the center of educational activities to ensure that programs, processes and campuses are responsive to student needs
  • Delivering an excellent educational experience that allows students to develop their potential and become influential graduates
  • Broadening and deepening research areas of excellence and achieving benchmarked performance and impact in these areas
  • Continuing to focus and grow our campuses
  • Deepening engagement with the Financial Services Sectors

These principles support five high-level goals:

  • To provide an excellent educational experience to attract and retain students who, regardless of their background, will succeed at school and become graduates of influence
  • To continuously improve our research performance and, through our research, deliver social dividends
  • To attract and retain excellent staff who, through their teaching, research and professional support, will positively contribute to TSA’s development as a school of influence
  • To be a sustainable school and to enhance our engagement with the financial services sectors, consolidating our reputation as one of Pakistan’s most engaged school

TSA will be reviewing all underlying plans encompassing academic, research and operational aspects of the school to ensure consistency with the aspirations stated above. To achieve these we must be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable in an intensely competitive globalized higher education market. The school will embed the principles of sustainability across all elements: governance, career development, teaching and learning, research, community engagement and campus operations

Over the coming decade the school will consolidate its position as an influential institution. We will focus on existing areas of strength and achieving core outcomes: a high quality student experience through innovative teaching practices; a profound commitment to equity; emergence as a powerful and respected career development institution; and an enduring commitment to engagement with local communities, with business and with the region through our research and teaching.

Our programs will be responsive to student needs and enable them to lead fulfilling lives while making a contribution to a better world. Our many research areas of excellence will continue to achieve high levels of performance and impacts as measured against recognized benchmarks.